Facilities Budget Management

A highly specialised solution to efficiently manage unplanned budget requests for their customer’s large building portfolio.

Facilities management
Com. Real Estate
عدد المستخدمين:

Our customer is a the world’s largest commercial Real Estate services and investment firm. They offer a broad range of integrated services, including facilities, transactions and project management; property management; investment management; appraisal and valuation; property leasing; strategic consulting; property sales; mortgage services and development services.

  • Size: 100,000 employees
  • Geographical Reach: Global
  • Annual Turnover (2019): USD 24 Billion

AMO was engaged to assist the facilities management division to design a highly specialised solution. The main objective was to handle unplanned budget requests for one of their customer’s large buildings portfolio.

The Challenge

They required a convenient solution to review and approve requests for budget allocation related to unplanned events in their large properties portfolio.

  • The solution needs to cover all European properties
  • Coordination between onsite teams, facilities management service and end customer management team
  • Exceptional circumstances can drive budget overrun
  • Too many requests to handle
  • Budget visibility was difficult with the large amount of changes required
  • Historical research was challenging
  • Governance of process and stakeholders were not clear

The Solution

To replace spreadsheets and manual processes, we created a budget management solution driven by a streamlined workflow. The process is adapted to enable the financial management of unplanned events related to facilities lifecycle.

Our solution is fully integrated with the customer’s SharePoint portal and branding guidelines, tailor-made for both the facilities management company and the end-user.


  • Onsite facilities managers can submit their requests and keep visibility on progress
  • The central facilities management team can provide a full view of ongoing requests to the end customer
  • Automated approval thresholds are in place for small requirements – this reduces workload for budget holders
  • Multiple currencies are available – Live conversion occurs between local currency and budget currency
  • Contingency budgets are updated in real-time to avoid overrun
  • Buildings can be grouped to simplify budget allocation
  • Different budget management rules are available based on location requirements
  • Each step of the process is traceable providing governance visibility

Not only this bespoke solution provides our client with a much more efficient process and better financial control, but it also offers complete service transparency to their customers. This competitive edge has improved their customer experience naturally leading to higher retention.

وقت التطوير (بالأيام)


الإجمالي (بالأيام)


الوقت المنقضي (بالأسابيع)


حجم التطبيق:


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قائم على المشروع

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جرّب الدليل على المفهوم مجاناً لمدة 30 يوماً

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رؤيتك، سرعتنا

الأسبوع الأول


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النطاق والتقدير والتخطيط

تقدير نواتج المشروع بما في ذلك الموارد والوقت والتكاليف المتضمنة.

الأسبوع الرابع


عرض الدليل على المفهوم التجريبي

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